Hook type panels which directly replace wire cloth on standard crown decks. Available in 90 duro "A" urethane material, "AH" material, and 60 duro "D" material.
"A" material
"BD" material
FLEX "D" material
Injection Molded segments
Flex-A-Thon mater
Tensioned Screen Benefits
Blanked out and reinforced over support bar area
Impact area may be blanked out and reinforced
Reinforcement designed to maintain tension
Perfect seals between screens
Screen openings are of tapered design
- =>For Detailed Specifications on Screens Click Below :
- 1. Tensioned Polyurethane Screens
- 2. Flipflow Screens
- 3. Polyurethane Trommel Screens
- 4. Polyurethane Wated Steal Wire Screens
- =>For more details visit www.polyurethanescreens.com
- =>For Detailed Specifications on Screens Click Below :
- 1. Tensioned Polyurethane Screens
- 2. Flipflow Screens
- 3. Polyurethane Trommel Screens
- 4. Polyurethane Wated Steal Wire Screens
- =>For more details visit www.puscreens.com
- =>For Detailed Specifications on Screens Click Below :
- 1. Tensioned Polyurethane Screens
- 2. Flipflow Screens
- 3. Polyurethane Trommel Screens
- 4. Polyurethane Wated Steal Wire Screens
- =>For more details visit www.urethanescreens.com
Product range:
Panel size :610mm*300mm (24”*11 13/16”) 305mm*305mm (12”*12”)
Aperture size :(1/70”*31/8”)
Steel plants
Mining industry
Cement plants
Mineral beneficiation plants
Power plants
Coal washeri’s
Orithane screen mats are without steel reinforcement.Aperture are moulded or punched as per the application.Available with fabric reinforcement. Used for screening of fines and materials with high moisture content.Thickness varies from 3mm to 6mm.