Cleaning Pigs
Cleaning Pig Standard with polyurethane cups. Standard with spring loaded stell 'Z' brushes. Available with stainlessor prostran brushes. Also available with polyurethane blads. Specify discs for bidirectional operation. Pig transmitter mounting option.
Mandrel Pigs
Mandrel Pigs are available in cup and disc designs for pig sizes to 56 inches. Designs are available for applicatons such as
Maximum Sealing
Cleaning, Brushing
Multi diameter Pipe Sizes
High Differential Sealing
High Bypass
SWAGATH URETHANE PVT LTd. Specializes in Mandrel Pig designs cleaning of deposits such as waxes and scale, Pig cleaning, Sealing ability and other special application.
Foam Pigs
Size range 2 to 60
The foam pig tabulation details standard sizes. Other sizes can be quickly fabricated. Towing rop, transmitter housing, special materials
Product separation and line drying
Traverses ball, gate or check valves
Traverses full diameter 90° barred tees
Easily negotiates most partial obstructions
Specially designed for directional operation with thick ployurethane disc at each end
Easily pases throught grreatly reduced pipe diameters
Standard foam manufactured from 24/32Kg/m density.
Vantage Pigs
Available in sizes 2 through 14 (50 - 350mm), the Vantage is lightweight and easy to assembe and maintain. The one piece, molded may design may be equipped with 2 cups or 4 cups and disc to insure longer life. The pig is flexible enougth to trraverse 20 percent reductions in the pipe due to buckles, dents or flattening.
Cups & Discs
Cleaning Pig Standard with polyurethane cups.* Standard with spring-loaded steel "Z" brushes. Available with stainless or prostran brushes. Also available with polyurethane blades. Specify discs for bidirectional operation. Pig transmitter mounting optional.