Manufacturers of Polyurethane Mallets
The safe, silent and cost-effective choice for a wide range of operations and environments.
Superior design steel structure fully covered with Polyurethane.
=>For Detailed Specifications on Mallets Click Below :
=>For more details visit www.polyurethanemallets.com
=>For Detailed Specifications on Mallets Click Below :
=>For more details visit www.urethanemallets.com
Wide resilience rang.
Highly resistant to impact.
High load bearing capacity.
Excellent abrasion resistance.
Superior flex fatigue resistance.
Resistant to oil, grease and lubricant.
non rebound.
Scratch proof.
Spark freedom.
Safe to use.
Low noise.
stripper bushes for moulds & dies.
Press break pad
Metal forming dies.
Shock absorbers.
Wear & cutting pads.
Die & mould making.
Automobile industries.
Electronic industries.
Aluminum frame industries.
Aircraft industries.